Visual arts at Gembrook Primary School consists of art, craft, and design. The program is designed to stimulate students’ imagination, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Students are given many different opportunities to communicate, challenge, and express their observations, experiences, and ideas of the world around them in a creative, perceptual, and conceptual manner. At times, our students become the viewer of artworks to understand the role of the artist, craftsperson, and designer to see their contributions to society. At other times, they create their visual art masterpieces using many art forms: drawing, painting, modelling, sewing, construction, mixed media, collage, and textiles. Students are allowed to help develop their confidence, creativity, imagination, passion, and individuality through fun and engaging visual art activities.

Every week, all grades from prep to 6 have a one-hour lesson in our beautiful purpose-built art room. Students are provided all necessary resources gear for the activity in each lesson.  They are expected to wear an art smock to cover their uniform and are sometimes asked to bring recycled materials from home.

The lessons start with the learning intentions and the success criteria explained for the day. Through these activities, students enhance their knowledge of art elements and principles, colour theory, art language, and appreciation as they progress through their school years. Most activities run over a few weeks and the final product may be displayed on the art room display areas, around the school or at the annual, end of the year art exhibition.

Student voice, agency, and leadership in the visual art program at Gembrook Primary school are shown through the lunchtime art club and the class art monitors.

Gembrook Primary school’s visual art program is highly valued and supported by the whole school community. Community volunteers are welcome and valued during special projects, such as art incursions, production time, and the art exhibition.

For the 2023 Special Friends Day our Grade 5 & 6 students displayed their photography projects on webpages as below:

Victorian Visual art curriculum can be accessed through the following link: