Teaching and Learning


The link below will take you to the workshop model explanatory video:

Coming soon…




The Gembrook Primary School Developmental Curriculum is a school wide tool used in literacy and numeracy to help students understand, direct and take responsibility for the progression in their learning. Gembrook Primary School staff have used the Victorian Curriculum criteria to create ‘I can’ statements for each genre of reading and writing, and soon mathematics. The Developmental Curriculum is displayed on the wall on each classroom, as well as 12 months below and above the expected level. The ‘I can’ statements match the learning intentions and the concepts being taught in class. To understand the next steps in their learning, and promote student voice and agency by setting their own individual learning goals, students can use these statements to help guide them and understand how they can progress.

The teacher friendly version for each genre such as Imaginative, Persuasive, Poetry, Author’s Study, Recounts, Speeches, and Informative, are used by teachers while planning the term and week of teaching. The ‘I can’ statements that have been selected then become a student friendly poster for the classroom wall. An example is below:

Teacher friendly version (Foundation Imaginative Writing)


Student friendly version (Foundation Imaginative Reading and Writing)